Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Tunghai turns 51; fns pressed into duty

[Corrected version] In less than 8 hours, I shall be celebrating Tunghai University's 51st year by engaging in the grand ritual of gripping a tennis ball with chopsticks, running 20 meters with them, then dropping the tennis ball into a bucket before passing the chopsticks on to another celebrant. You're not allowed to use your hands--if you drop the tennis ball, you have to pick it up with the chopsticks. When the department chair asked me to take part in this important event, I tried to tell him that I was not worthy, but it was to no avail.

And no, I am up at this hour not because I don't take such an august activity seriously... what would make you say that?

[Update, 11/3/06] Well, I survived the Sports Day activities. I ended up taking part in two events because there weren't enough faculty and staff from the College of Arts (where were you guys?). The first event is too hard to describe, but suffice it to say that Mr. Bean-like, I managed to trip my teammate during that activity...

On the other hand, I received praise from several people after the chopsticks-carrying-tennis-ball event. Unlike a lot of people, I didn't drop the tennis ball at all. (Of course, I was also probably the slowest tennis ball carrier in the event...)

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